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Dr. Satish Kumar


Profile -  Dr. S. Kumar - PhD is a well known scientist with a pharmacy background. He is an applied bio – chemist & a nutritionist who has successfully treated more than 15000 patients suffering from verity of ailments like diabetes, hypertension, thyroid, Alzheimer, Parkinson, mental retardation, liver disorder, heart blockages, kidney disorders, gynecological disorders, varicose veins, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, cancer & many more with diet modification, nutrition correction & nutritional supplementation.  He is also author of Many Books out of which YES MILK, ABB! NO MILK is more popular which is published in year 2006 and forwarded by Mrs.Maneka Gandhi. He is also delivered more than 350 lectures as on today among medical and non-medical originations.   


Appropriate group visions the world as a disease free place to live, where no one would be depended on medicines throughout their lives for living a healthy life.


\"Save cell to save the whole body”

The structural & functional unit of life is – \"cell”. Human body comprises of billions of cells, which are being replaced at the rate of 200 million / minute or 300 billion / day. It means that till you complete reading this page, hundreds of millions of cells are already formed. Here, at appropriate diet therapy center, we are constantly coming up with new & scientific ideas to save your body’s structural & functional unit.

The wakeup call

It is said that \"there is 1% inspiration & 99% perspiration”. These lines became true for Dr. S. Kumar, who suffered a painful loss of his father to a syndrome of these diseases, & as per the above saying, this set back in his life became the 1% inspiration to reframe his mind, body & soul for the forthcoming 99% perspiration.

 At this point, Dr. Kumar, a visionary scientist, struggled to go in deep studies & researches of the various degenerative diseases & found the cause of them; it was none other than our most important need – our food.

As his research grew step by step, he came to know about different aspects of diet & nutrition & how our wrong dietary habits are directing our lives towards the horrifying mouth of a monster collectively known as \"degenerative diseases”.

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